
2016 Actions - 1ยช - Visit European Capitals

In my last holidays in Portugal (which ended in the last Tuesday) I decided that after December  I'm gonna start putting my days off together  and take at least 3 days a month to start traveling alone to visit the European Capitals unknown to me.
In June I visited Amsterdam, I also visited Madrid and in Andorra I already spent 4 days.
Lisbon and London of course are not in my list! :)
The idea of travel alone I still don't know if is a good idea but to find someone that have the same availability as me I don't know if will be easy, but won't be a problem.
To travel , don't speaking about the cultural and fun part is a an amazing tool to clean our mind and for those who work almost 24h directly with people, this is very important. Decreases the probability of collapse.
So until Janeiro I will work without much rest days (not counting the Christmas holidays) and then will begin the adventure.


In my day off I cook

Mealtimes for those work in Hospitality are a nightmare.
Late breakfast or too early, lunches are dinners at the same time, 9 or 10 hours without eat, sleep at 2:00 am with no appetite to cook what should be a dinner among others small problems.
In my day off I try to do 3 main meals for at least remember that one day I had a normal life. And remembering my schedules and big lunchs / dinners of my recent vacation today I decided to cook my lunch. It's here :

Very simple, quick and delicious.
(an attempt to leave the pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese)

Having a blog

Having a blog is more than having a diary. Having a diary is something secret and known at the same time. We hide from friends and family but we show to the world.
Having a blog is have something inside that makes us want to read more, learn more comment more, know more. It is also to be faithful to readers and to ourselves when we commit to writing.
Having a blog gets to be a responsibility. Means sometimes disappear and come back later ... months later ... years later! Because only those who have had a blog understand and feel the excitement of sharing and discovering day after day.
After a immensity of blogs I dare myself to create one more to share another reality. A Portuguese in London, 25 years and many unfulfilled dreams.
See you later!